Never been to Brussels, but it seems the city's Manneken Piss is an inspiration not only here in Rio (where we also have our "wet little man" statue), but everywhere.
Miami based Standard Hotel have a Spa décor that is an open tribute to Belgium's boy.
Donkey Products is an international Design Label based in Hamburg and they develop and design original, humorous products. I love their new glass project, design by Thomas Kappes.
And the other image is a poster design I did for Sprite's advertising campaign "Things as they are". It's a toilet wall sticker and title says: "The guy next to you isn't so big. You're just small." Copywriting: Toninho Lima.
Tá, antes de saber que "Manequinho" era uma gracinha em português pro belga Manneken Piss - e que diabos de cidade tem como ícone cultural uma estátua numa situação dessas? - ao menos pra alguma coisa divertida a cena tinha que servir de inspiração. Mas e aqui, o "maneco" homenageia o quê??? Botafoguenses, façam suas apostas.
E lavemos nossas mãos pra outros pontos turísticos bizarros por aí.