Saturday 26 June 2010

Marian Bantjes

Marian Bantjes is one of the most innovatives graphic artists working today. She's known for her "detailed and lovingly precise vector art, obsessive hand work, patterning and highly ornamental style. The Canadian graphic artist "TED talks" about her work...

"I tend to be interested in more ethereal qualities like does it bring joy? is there a sense of wonder? and does it invoke curiosity?"

...and the way visual artists can contribute for a more imaginative and inspirational world.

"Just in the way that I'm inspired by books and magazines of all kinds, conversations I have, movies, so I also think, when I put visual work out there into he mass media, work that is interesting, unusual, intriguing, work that maybe opens up that sense of inquiry in the mind, that I'm seeding the imagination of the populace. And you just never know who is going to take something from that and turn it into something else. Because inspiration is cross-pollinating. So a piece of mine may inspire a playwright or a novelist or a scientist, and that in turn may be the seed that inspires a doctor or a philanthropist or a babysitter. And this isn't something that you can quantify or track or measure. And we tend to undervalue things in society that we can't measure. " "But I've come to believe that truly imaginative visual work is extremely important in society."

I like when she points out the relationship between visual inspiration, emotion, wonder and other unmeasurable concepts in a more imaginative and passionate society.

O bacana dessa apresentação é quando a Marian aponta a lacuna por "encantamento" que o nosso mundo cartesiano deixa na relações, sejam elas com pessoas, conceitos ou ideais. Fazendo parte de um mundo onde praticamente não há mais espaço para o sonho e onde a representação visual ficou relegada à primeira infância, é inevitável que imperem frustrações por esse sufocamento de escolhas supostamente "infantilizantes" ou mesmo banais. E todo mundo finge que não, mas quer mais e mais ser simples e "bobinho".

Adoro quando ela aponta para uma relação consciente entre a inspiração visual, a emoção e conceitos não-mensuráveis em uma sociedade que demanda por mais criatividade e paixão.

É que eu também sou uma otimista, muito da bobinha.

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